We had an exactly full camp- 24 kids. Camp is for kids 7-13, and it's allll day. They are split into 4 groups by age and ability, and I teach two and Christine (owner of RGF) teach the others. First is cleaning stalls, grooming and tacking, then two groups ride and two have crafts, they switch, lunch, activity (wet n' wild day, luau, carnival day, etc.) and pool time.
This group was more on the young side with a couple 5s and 6s. I prefer teaching beginners, which was mildly painful this week since these kids were so young. It's hard to entertain five year olds in the heat on horseback for an hour.

Hmmm what other photos do I have now that my power cord is in working order..

Oh, in response to the strawberry/sour cream/brown sugar deliciousness:

I'm getting a rockin polo tan.
In other news, Beau and I are in nursery at church! It's only fair considering 3 of the children are from our family. I have never appreciated being able to go to Sunday School and Relief Society more in my life.
Beau has a job now! Actually, it's been a couple weeks. The original plan was to get some neat internship in engineering and be on our merry way to becoming my parents. This wasn't going as well as hoped. At a job fair several weeks ago, Beau was talking to lots of people that didn't care about hiring any interns but were impressed with fluency in Russian. Believe it or not, folks, people actually want Russian interpreters. CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. And I don't even know what the third one even stands for.
So, Beau is changing his major to Russian. AND, it only requires 34 more credits to graduate! It's like when you're playing Ticket to Ride and you pick a new destination that you only need to connect one more city.
Unfortunately, none of the above conversations lead to a new awesome job. Desperation set in an Beau applied to anywhere and everywhere. Which brought us to...

We are both tired and happy at the end of the day!
Time for sleepies. Back to the barn early in the morn.